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Food Container Glass Market Research in Russia

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Food Container Glass Market Research in Russia
Content Content: Total: 158 pages, 70 tables and 24 figures
Publishing date Publishing date: October 2007
Delivery Delivery: within 24 hours by e-mail in WORD or PDF format
Languages Languages: can be provided in English or Russian
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The report is devoted to studying of current standing of Russian market of container glass for food industry. The report includes 7 Sections, 158 pages, including 70 Tables, 24 Figures and Appendix. The report is a desk study. As information sources, data of Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat), Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS), State Balances of Mineral Resources, official domestic railage statistics of Ministry of Railways of Russia, data of company-leading players of glass market, the sector and regional press, annual and quarterly repots of companies, internet-sites of company-producers and consumers of the products, as well as own InfoMine database were used.

The first Section of the report is devoted to characteristics of current standing of world market of container glass.

The second Section presents technologies of production of glass, describes the main processes and available methods of obtaining container glass. The Section also presents review of Russian market of equipment for production of container glass, including description of leading Russian and foreign producers, presents performance specifications of production facilities, offered by the companies.

The third Section describes sources of raw materials for production of glass. The Section presents data on reserves quartz sands, carbonate raw materials and feldspar, data on volumes of production of the main components of glass charge, volumes and flows of supplies of these resources.

The fourth Section is devoted to analysis of production of container glass in Russia. The Section presents statistical data on production of the products for the period of 1997-8 months of 2007, description of commodity structure of production of container glass for food industry, regional structure of the production, and describes the main enterprise-producers of container glass with data on available capacities, volumes of production of the products in 2006, current standing and prospects of development. Besides the Section describes projects on construction of new container glass productions in Russia and presents forecast of production of container glass in Russia up to 2012.

The fifth Section presents analysis of foreign trade of Russian companies in container glass. It presents data on volumes of supplies of bottles and glass cans in bulk and in money terms, estimation of regional structure of export and import, volumes and flows of supplies of leading exporters and importers of the products.

The sixth Section is devoted to evaluation of domestic consumption of container glass for food industry. It presents supply-demand balance of container glass, analyses regional structure of the consumption. Besides, the Section presents data on dynamics of production volumes in the main end-uses and volumes of railage supplies of container glass to the greatest consumers.

The seventh Section of the report describes available tendencies of development of market of container glass for food industry and presents forecast of consumption of the products in Russia up to 2012

The Appendix presents contact data on leading of Russian producers of container glass.

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Table of content



1. Characteristics of current standing of world market of container glass


2. Technology of production of glass in Russia and in the world and equipment used

2.1. Technology of glass production

2.2. Available methods of container glass obtaining

2.3. Market research of equipment for production of container glass in Russia

2.3.1. Russian producers of equipment

2.3.2. Foreign producers of equipment


3. Raw materials for production of glass in Russia (reserves, production, volumes and flows of supplies)

3.1. Quartz sands

3.2. Carbonate resources

3.2.1. Dolomite

3.2.2. Chalk

3.2.3. Limestone and lime

3.3. Feldspar

3.4. Soda ash

3.5. Sodium sulfate

3.6. Role of broken glass in the process of glass production in Russia


4. Production of container glass in Russia

4.1. Volume of production of container glass for food industry in Russia for 1997-8 months of 2007

4.2. The main enterprise-producers of container glass in Russia; their capacities, current standing and projects

4.2.1. LLC "Rusjam" (Vladimir region)

4.2.2. Concern Saint Gobain (France)

4.2.3. PJSC "Veda-Pak" (Leningrad region)

4.2.4. JSC "Novosibirsk plant "Ekran" (Novosibirsk region)

4.2.5. PJSC "Kamyshin container glass plant" (Volgograd region)

4.2.6. LLC "Chagodoshcha glass plant and K" (Vologda region)

4.2.7. Association of glass producers "RusSteklo" (Moscow)

4.2.8. JSC "Firm "Aktis" (Rostov region)

4.2.9. PJSC "OST" Group (Moscow region)

4.2.10. Projects on construction of new container glass plants

4.3. Forecast of production of container glass in Russia up to 2012


5. Russian foreign trade in various kinds of glass for 2000 - 8 months of 2007

5.1. Foreign trade in container glass (cans and bottles)

5.2. Foreign trade in bottles

5.2.1. Export of bottles

5.2.2. Import of bottles

5.3. Foreign trade in cans

5.3.1. Export of cans

5.3.2. Import of cans


6. Consumption of container glass in Russia

6.1. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2006

6.2. Regional structure of consumption of container glass

6.3. The greatest consumers of container glass

6.3.1. Consumers of bottles

6.3.2. Consumers of glass can


7. Tendencies of development of market and forecast of consumption of container glass for nearest years


Appendix: Contact information on enterprise-producers of container glass

List of Tables:

Table 1. Commodity structure of production of container glass in USA in 2002-2006, bln pieces

Table 2. Commodity structure of consumption of container glass in USA in 2002-2006, bln pieces

Table 3. Procedure of charge sampling for quality control

Table 4. Performance specifications of rotary-type automatic glass-forming machine VV-7 of production of JSC "Stekloagregat"

Table 5. Performance specifications of rotating-type automatic glass-forming machines APSh 12 of production of JSC "Stekloagregat"

Table 6. Performance specifications of annealing furnaces of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 7. Performance specifications of transporters of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 8. Performance specifications of loaders of container glass of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 9. Performance specifications of charge loaders of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 10. Performance specifications of hammer crusher of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 11. Performance specifications of conveyer of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 12. Performance specifications of elevator of production of JSC "Orel plant "Steklomash"

Table 13. Performance specifications of gob feeders of production of JSC "Steklomash"

Table 14. Performance specifications of thin-layer table charge loader of production of JSC "Steklomash"

Table 15. Performance specifications of rotary-type glass-forming machines, offered by JSC "Sigomatic"

Table 16. Performance specifications of rotary-type glass-forming machines, offered by JSC "Sigomatic"

Table 17. Performance specifications of annealing furnaces of production of company Sklostroj

Table 18. Kinds of section glass-forming machines of production of company Emhart Glass

Table 19. Performance specifications of section glass-forming machines IS of production of company Emhart Glass

Table 20. Performance specifications of section glass-forming machines IS of production of company Bottero

Table 21. Mining of glass sands by Russian enterprises in 2000-2006, thousand t

Table 22. Volumes of supplies of quartz sands to companies of glass industry in 2005-2006, thousand t

Table 23. Production of dolomite for glass industry in Russia in 2000-2006, thousand t

Table 24. Volumes of supplies of dolomite to companies of glass industry in 2005-2006, thousand t

Table 25. Volumes of supplies of chalk to companies of glass industry in 2005-2006, thousand t

Table 26. Production of feldspar materials in Russia in 2000-2006, thousand t

Table 27. Volumes of supplies of feldspar products to companies of glass industry in 2005-2006, thousand t, %

Table 28. Production of soda ash in Russia in 2000-2006, thousand t

Table 29. Volumes of supplies of soda ash to companies of glass industry in 2005-2006, thousand t

Table 30. Production of sodium sulfate in Russia in 2000-2006, thousand t

Table 31. Volumes of supplies of sodium sulfate to companies of glass industry in 2005-2006, thousand t

Table 32. Shares of procesing container glass in European countries

Table 33. Production of container glass for food industry in Russia for the period of 1997 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 34. Regional structure of production of container glass in Russia in 1997-2006, mln pieces

Table 35. Production of bottles by the greatest Russian enterprises in 2006, mln pieces

Table 36. Production of glass cans by the greatest Russian enterprises in 2006, mln pieces

Table 37. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of LLC "Rusjam" in 2004-2006, t

Table 38. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of JSC "Pokrovsky glass plant" in 2004-2006, t

Table 39. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of JSC "Sitall" in 2004-2006, t

Table 40. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of PJSC "Kavminsteklo" in 2004-2006, t

Table 41. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of JSC "Novosibirsk plant "Ekran" in 2004-2006, t

Table 42. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of PJSC "Kamyshin container glass plant" in 2004-2006, t

Table 43. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of LLC "Chagodoshcha glass plant and K" in 2004-2006, t

Table 44. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of LLC "Sergiev Posad glass plant" in 2004-2006, t

Table 45. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of PJSC "Velikodvorsky glass plant" in 2004-2006, t

Table 46. Volumes and flows of railage supplies of container glass of production of JSC "Firm "Aktis" in 2004-2006, t

Table 47. The main commodity items of container glass and their code notations

Table 48. Commodity structure of export and import of container glass for food industry in 2006, mln pieces

Table 49. Volumes of Russia foreign trade in container glass for food industry for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007

Table 50. Russian export of bottles for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007 in bulk and in money terms

Table 51. Regional structure of Russian export of bottles for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007

Table 52. The main Russian exporters of bottles from colorless glass with capacity of 0.33-1.0 l (code TN VED 7010904300) for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 53. The main Russian exporters of bottles from colorless glass with capacity of 0.15-0.33 l (code TN VED 7010904500) for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 54. The main Russian exporters of bottles from colored glass with capacity of 0.33-1.0 l (code TN VED 7010905300) for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 55. Russian import of bottles for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007 in bulk and in money terms

Table 56. Regional structure of Russian import of bottles for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007

Table 57. The main Russian importers of bottles from colorless glass with capacity of 0.33-1.0 l (code TN VED 7010904300) in 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 58. The main Russian importers of bottles from colorless glass with capacity of 0.15-0.33 l (code TN VED 7010904500) for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 59. The main Russian importers of bottles from colored glass with capacity of 0.33-1.0 l (code TN VED 7010905300) for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 60. Russian export of cans for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007 in bulk and in money terms

Table 61. Regional structure of Russian export of cans for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007

Table 62. The main Russian exporters of glass cans for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 63. Russian import of cans for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007 in bulk and in money terms

Table 64. Regional structure of Russian import of cans for the period of 2000 - 8 months of 2007

Table 65. The main Russian importers of cans for the period of 2005 - 8 months of 2007, mln pieces

Table 66. Balance of consumption of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2006, mln pieces

Table 67. Regional structure of consumption of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2006, mln pieces

Table 68. Production of drinks in Russia in 2005-2006, mln decaliters

Table 69. The greatest consumers of glass bottles in 2005-2006, thousand t

Table 70. The greatest consumers of glass cans in 2005-2006, thousand t

List of Figures:

Figure 1. Typical process flowsheet of commercial method of obtaining glass

Figure 2. Scheme of forming of narrow-neck thick-walled articles by double blowing method

Figure 3. Process flowsheet of forming articles at rotary-type machine

Figure 4. Flow chart of glass-forming machine of section type

Figure 5. Appearance of glass feeder of DS type of production of company Sklostroj

Figure 6. Appearance of ordinary glass-forming machine AL of production of companies Sklostroj

Figure 7. Dependence of production speed of machines AL of production of company Sklostroj on mass of gob, maximal sizes of produced articles

Figure 8. Sizes of machines AL of production of company Sklostroj

Figure 9. Appearance of pusher ZO 220-XXX of production of company Sklostroj

Figure 10. Appearance of annealing furnace of company Sklostroj

Figure 11. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 1997-2006, thousand t

Figure 12. Shares of Russian enterprises in production of bottles in 2006, %

Figure 13. Forecast of production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2007-2012, mln pieces

Figure 14. Dynamics of export and import of container glass in 2000-2007, mln pieces

Figure 15. Dynamics of export supplies of bottles in bulk and in money terms, and average export prices on bottles in 2000-2006

Figure 16. Dynamics of import of bottles in bulk and in money terms, and average import prices in 2000-2006

Figure 17. Dynamics of export supplies of cans in bulk and in money terms, and average export prices in 2000-2006

Figure 18. Dynamics of import supplies of cans in bulk and in money terms, and average import prices in 2000-2006

Figure 19. Rates of growth of "apparent" consumption of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2007 (2000=100%)

Figure 20. Regional structure of consumption of container glass in Russia in 2006, %

Figure 21. Dynamics of production of vodka and beer in Russia in 2000-2006, mln decaliters

Figure 22. Dynamics of production of fruit and vegetable preserves in Russia in 2000-2006, mln conventional cans

Figure 23. Commodity structure of production of fruit and vegetable preserves in Russia in 2006, %

Figure 24. Forecast of consumption of bottles in Russia in 2007-2012

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