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REPORTS ›› Metallurgy & metal processing ›› Light metals

Base Metals Mining in Russia: Economic and Legislative Overview Base Metals Mining in Russia: Economic and Legislative Overview  
Nickel market research in the CIS Nickel market research in the CIS  
Zinc market research in the CIS Zinc market research in the CIS  
Sections from aluminium alloys market research in Russia Sections from aluminium alloys market research in Russia  
Standing and Prospects of Production and Consumption of Aluminium Semiproducts and Rolled Aluminium in Russia Standing and Prospects of Production and Consumption of Aluminium Semiproducts and Rolled Aluminium in Russia  
Tin market research in the CIS Tin market research in the CIS  
Aluminium market research in the CIS Aluminium market research in the CIS  
Aluminium Package (Foil, Cans, Cylinders, Tubes): Market Research in Russia Aluminium Package (Foil, Cans, Cylinders, Tubes): Market Research in Russia  
Aluminium Alloy Sections Market Research in Russia Aluminium Alloy Sections Market Research in Russia  
Aluminium Scrap and the Scrap-Based Products Market Research in Russia Aluminium Scrap and the Scrap-Based Products Market Research in Russia  
Cobalt market research in the CIS Cobalt market research in the CIS  

All market reports are available in English and Russian languages and cover data of at least 5-7 years. Should you find a report that is of an interest to you, but requires updating - please let us know. Payments can be made by bank transfer or by credit cards.
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